Trade unions do much more than operate unemployment funds

Your union negotiates better pay and other employment terms on your behalf, and supports you if you have any problems with your employer. The more members join, the more we can do to improve working conditions for everyone.

Border Security Union

Border guards and coast guards, officers, and civilian employees of the Finnish Border Guard service

The Border Security Unionis the largest staff organisation of the Finnish Border Guard service. The union is affiliated to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL.

All frontier guard staff categories are organised in the Border Security Union:

  • coastguards
  • frontier guards
  • officers
  • NCO students
  • specialist officers
  • civilian post holders
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.0% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Construction Trade Union

Employees in the construction and building materials industries, and in asphalting and waterproofing

The members of the Construction Trade Union work on construction and renovation sites (including the house building, painting and decorating, and flooring trades), in the building materials industry, in the building technology and civil engineering sector, and in asphalting and waterproofing.

The members of the Construction Trade Union work in the following sectors:

  • asphalting
  • building construction
  • building services
  • construction products
  • floor covering
  • infrastructure
  • painting
  • waterproofing
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
EUR 25 monthly *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Air Line Pilots’ Association SLL

Finnair's air line pilots

SLL takes care of the interests of Finnair's air line pilots.

Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
0.45% + EUR 24.15 monthly *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Aviation Union IAU

Aviation industry employees in technical and service functions

IAU is a trade union for professionals engaged in technical and service duties in the aviation sector.

IAU members work in the following aviation industry occupations:

  • aircraft maintenance and repairs
  • cargo customer service functions 
  • cargo handling
  • catering functions
  • de-icing
  • passenger service functions
  • ramp and lobby functions
  • repair and maintenance of air traffic control equipment
  • repair and maintenance of ground handling equipment
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.39% of gross pay (at most 79 euros per month) *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Customs Officers' Union

Employees and public servants working in customs administration

The members of the Finnish Customs Officers' Union are employees and public servants working at the Finnish Customs. The union is affiliated to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL.

Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
0.9% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Electrical Workers' Union

Employees in the electrical industry and allied trades

The members of the Electrical Workers´ Union work in the electrical industry and allied trades, or are studying for associated industry qualifications. The three main divisions of the union are energy-ICT-network technology, electrification work (electrical fitters in the building technology sector), and industrial and special sectors.

The members of the Electrical Workers´ Union work in electrical occupations in the following sectors:

  • electric power plants
  • thermal power plants
  • nuclear power plants
  • electricity distribution
  • data communications
  • information technology
  • network technology
  • electrical installations
  • electrical automation
  • security technology
  • servicing and maintenance
  • slot-machines
  • industry
  • special trades
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.0% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Elite Athletes Union SHU

Players of football and ice hockey

SHU brings together four player and athlete associations.

The affiliated members of SHU are:

  • The Football Players' Association
  • The Finnish Ice Hockey Players' Association
  • The Kilpa Athletes' Association
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
Membership fee varies according to affiliate association *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Food Workers' Union SEL

All food industry employees

SEL is a dedicated trade union for employees working in the national food and drink sector.

The members of SEL work in all foodstuff sectors:

  • foodstuffs industry
  • bakeries
  • meat industry
  • food processing
  • dairies
  • milk processing industry
  • breweries
  • soft drink factories
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.4% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Industrial Union

Employees in the technology, chemical and mechanical forest industries, the automotive trade, the media and agriculture

The Finnish Industrial Union is Finland’s largest industrial sector trade union. It was established in January 2018 following a merger of Metalworkers' union, Industrial Union TEAM and Woodworkers' Union.

The members of the Finnish Industrial Union work in the following sectors:

  • Car retail and engineering branch
  • Motor vehicle tyre branch
  • Fiskars Finland Oy Ab employees (company-based agreement)
  • Brushmaking branch
  • Delivery personnel
  • Precious metals industry
  • Chemical basic industry
  • Footwear and leather industry
  • Rubber industry
  • Glass and ceramics industry
  • Glazing, construction glazing and glass processing branch
  • Media and printing branch employees
  • Plastics and chemical products industry
  • Direct mail delivery
  • Textile and fashions branch
  • Textiles services branch
  • Boatbuilding industry
  • Salaried employees in graphical industry
  • Oil, gas and petrochemical products industry
  • Rural industries
  • Ore mines industry
  • Manual work in forestry
  • Machine work in forestry
  • Sheet and industrial insulation branch
  • Horticultural branch
  • Forest tree nursery branch
  • Technical service and maintenance
  • Technology industry
  • Fur production branch
  • Peat production
  • Landscaping branch
  • Bio industry
  • Log house industry
  • Mechanical forestry industry
  • Carpentry industry
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.0% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Musicians' Union

Musicians, ballet dancers and opera singers

The members of the Finnish Musicians' Union are orchestral musicians and freelancers in various branches of music.

The members of the Finnish Musicians’ Union include:

  • freelance musicians
  • artists
  • orchestral musicians
  • theatre musicians
  • studio musician
  • music producers and technologists
  • DJs
  • conductors
  • dancers of the Finnish National Ballet
  • soloists and choir members of the Finnish National Opera
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
EUR 31 monthly + unemployment fund EUR 8 monthly *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

Join now Join as a student member 12€

Finnish NCOs' Union

Non-commissioned officers, mechanics, airplane mechanics and contract soldiers in the Finnish defence forces

The main mission of the Finnish NCOs’ Union is to safeguard the interests of professional military personnel. The union is affiliated to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL.

The following defence forces staff categories belong to the Finnish NCOs' Union:

  • NCOs
  • aircraft ground crews
  • mechanics
  • contractual military personnel
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.2% % of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU

Clerical and blue-collar employees in the postal, communications and logistics sectors

PAU is the trade union for clerical and blue-collar employees working in postal services, communications and logistics. PAU is the largest trade union representing staff of Posti Corporation.

PAU members work in:

  • logistics
  • messaging
  • the postal sector
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.59% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Prison Officers' Union VVL

Employees and public servants working in prisons and community sanctions offices

The members of VVL work for the Criminal Sanctions Agency. The union is affiliated to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL.

The members of the Prison Officers' Association have a wide range of job titles in prisons and community sanctions enforcement offices, and are mainly:

  • Sanctions enforcement: employees and supervisors
  • Management
  • Clerical staff
  • Instructors / special instructors
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.0% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Seafarers' Union

Employees working in shipping and other waterborne transportation on sea and inland waterways

Members of the Finnish Seafarers’ Union work in maritime and inland waterway navigation or in related onshore positions.

Seafarers’ Union members' workplaces include:

  • boarding craft
  • ferries
  • freighters
  • icebreakers
  • log floating tugboats
  • passenger vessels
  • ports and fairway management
  • pusher barges
  • tanker ships
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.55% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Social Democratic Journalists' Union

Media workers who are sympathetic to social democratic principles

SSSL is a vehicle for workers sympathetic to social democratic principles engaged in journalism duties for the printed and electronic media, and in information and public relations functions. This union does not conclude collective agreements and does not operate an unemployment fund.

Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
EUR 40 annually *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Finnish Transport Workers' Union AKT

Employees in the transport, stevedoring and forwarding sectors, and in travel agencies

AKT is Finland’s largest trade union for transport sector professionals.

The members of AKT work in the following sectors:

  • cabin crew
  • driving schools
  • forwarding
  • ramp drivers
  • repair shops
  • road transport
  • stevedoring
  • tanker vehicles and oil products
  • terminals
  • tourism
  • urban public transport
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.6% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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General Union of Journalists YLL

A left-wing federation of journalists, researchers and employees working in the communications industry

The General Union of Journalists YLL is a national left-wing federation of journalists, researchers and employees working in the communications industry. It champions freedom of speech and expression, and pluralistic communication. This union does not conclude collective agreements and does not operate an unemployment fund.

You may join YLL if you are:

  • working in a journalism or communications-related position
  • a teacher, researcher or student in journalism or communications
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
EUR 40 annually *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

Join now Join as a student member 15€

Paperworkers' Union

Employees in paper, paperboard and pulp mills, and in paper conversion plants

The Paperworkers' Union represents employees working in paper, paperboard and pulp mills, and in paper conversion plants.

The members of the Paperworkers' Union perform the following duties in the pulp and paper industry:

  • process managers
  • operators
  • machine operators
  • pulp makers
  • wood processing operators
  • chemical handlers
  • forklift operators
  • laboratory staff
  • mechanical, electrical and automation repair workers
  • other employees serving in manufacturing service positions
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.3% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Railway Union RAU

Locomotive drivers and clerical employees working in the railways sector

Members of the Railway Union work as locomotive drivers, clerical employees and in other associated duties in the railways sector.

The members of the Finnish Railway Union RAU serve as:

  • locomotive drivers or staff working in similar traction equipment functions
  • traffic controllers
  • railway industry clerical staff, including service advisers and operating centre attendants
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.3% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Service Union United PAM

Private sector service employees, including the commercial sector, hotel, restaurant and leisure industry, and property service

PAM is Finland's largest trade union for private sector service employees and supervisors.

The members of PAM work in the following and other private service industries:

  • wholesale rading
  • hotel, catering and leisure services
  • cleaning and real estate services
  • pharmacies
  • warehouses
  • security firms
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.5% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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Theatre and Media Employees in Finland Teme

Employees and self-employed workers in film, circus, dance, theatre, video and television production duties

Teme unites organisations representing seven cultural sectors into Finland's largest trade union for artistic and cultural occupations.

The members of Teme include:

  • film workers
  • circus employees
  • theatre directors
  • theatre technical staff
  • television production workers
  • dancers
  • dance instructors
  • choreographers
  • theatre clerical staff
  • scenographers
  • light and sound designers
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.6% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

Join now Join as a student member 38€

Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL

Employees in local and central government, other public sector entities and organisations

JHL organises social welfare professionals and students working for local authorities, central government agencies, wellbeing services counties and private welfare services.

You may join JHL if you work in

  • a local authority
  • central government
  • a wellbeing services county
  • a local authority federation
  • a parish
  • any commercial institution or company owned by the foregoing
  • an organisation/third sector entity
  • a non-profit organisation
  • a business or organisation providing public sector services
  • any corresponding operating sector
Total membership subscription fees for the union and its unemployment fund:
1.1% of gross pay *
For further details:

* union membership subscription fees are tax-deductible

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